Catamarca Province, Argentina

03/06/2023 00:11:48 (UTC) MLv 5.5 261 Km



  • Catamarca Province, Argentina
  • Latitude : 27.49 °S
  • Longitude : 67.28 °W
  • Depth : 261 Km


  • Date : 03/06/2023 00:11:48 (UTC)
  • Magnitude : 5.5 MLv
  • Phase count : 14
  • RMS residual :2.79

Distance to nearest cities

  • 31 kms of Belén
  • 40 kms of Fiambalá
  • 58 kms of Anillaco
  • 70 kms of Tinogasta
  • 127 kms of Aimogasta
  • 151 kms of Santa María

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Agency : IRD - Event Id : ird2023kuwmvj