Southeast of Easter Island
28/01/2025 00:29:31 (UTC) mb 4.4 276 Km
- Southeast of Easter Island
- Latitude : 42.74 °S
- Longitude : 89.45 °W
- Depth : 276 Km
- Date : 28/01/2025 00:29:31 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 4.4 mb
- Phase count : 17
- RMS residual :1.51
Distance to nearest cities
- 1281 kms of Castro
- 1286 kms of Ancud
- 1287 kms of Quellón
- 1295 kms of Curaco de Vélez
- 1300 kms of Puerto Aguirre
- 1304 kms of Achao