South Sandwich Islands Region
01/01/2025 13:48:30 (UTC) mb 6.1 98 Km
- South Sandwich Islands Region
- Latitude : 56.76 °S
- Longitude : 27.56 °W
- Depth : 98 Km
- Date : 01/01/2025 13:48:30 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 6.1 mb
- Phase count : 96
- RMS residual :1.2
Distance to nearest cities
- 2028 kms of Stanley, Falkland Islands
- 2463 kms of Edinburgh of the Seven Seas
- 2464 kms of Tolhuin
- 2471 kms of Puerto Williams
- 2517 kms of Ushuaia
- 2525 kms of Río Grande