West of Macquarie Island
19/12/2024 02:07:03 (UTC) mb 5.1 7 Km
- West of Macquarie Island
- Latitude : 56.3 °S
- Longitude : 146.84 °E
- Depth : 7 Km
- Date : 19/12/2024 02:07:03 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 5.1 mb
- Phase count : 82
- RMS residual :1.83
Distance to nearest cities
- 788 kms of ANARE Station, Macquarie Islan
- 1430 kms of Southport
- 1438 kms of Adventure Bay
- 1449 kms of Gordon
- 1452 kms of Middleton
- 1460 kms of Cygnet