San Juan Province, Argentina
16/12/2024 07:59:08 (UTC) MLv 4.4 171 Km
- San Juan Province, Argentina
- Latitude : 31.56 °S
- Longitude : 69.55 °W
- Depth : 171 Km
- Date : 16/12/2024 07:59:08 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 4.4 MLv
- Phase count : 17
- RMS residual :1.08
Distance to nearest cities
- 28 kms of Calingasta
- 78 kms of Villa Basilio Nievas
- 91 kms of Rivadavia
- 95 kms of Villa Krause
- 97 kms of San Juan
- 97 kms of Villa Paula de Sarmiento