Off Coast of Central Chile
05/12/2024 11:21:16 (UTC) MLv 4.2 5 Km
- Off Coast of Central Chile
- Latitude : 31.6 °S
- Longitude : 72.26 °W
- Depth : 5 Km
- Date : 05/12/2024 11:21:16 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 4.2 MLv
- Phase count : 17
- RMS residual :1.83
Distance to nearest cities
- 79 kms of Los Vilos
- 92 kms of Pichidangui
- 100 kms of Los Molles
- 103 kms of Illapel
- 124 kms of Salamanca
- 127 kms of Papudo