Celebes Sea
26/10/2024 15:52:00 (UTC) mb 4.7 554 Km
- Celebes Sea
- Latitude : 2.46 °N
- Longitude : 121.78 °E
- Depth : 554 Km
- Date : 26/10/2024 15:52:00 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 4.7 mb
- Phase count : 19
- RMS residual :2.59
Distance to nearest cities
- 257 kms of Gorontalo
- 333 kms of South Ubian
- 341 kms of Amurang
- 341 kms of Kotamobago
- 345 kms of Simunul
- 346 kms of Sapa-Sapa