North of Panama
09/10/2024 05:57:57 (UTC) mb 6.2 5 Km
- North of Panama
- Latitude : 10 °N
- Longitude : 76.07 °W
- Depth : 5 Km
- Date : 09/10/2024 05:57:57 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 6.2 mb
- Phase count : 17
- RMS residual :2.04
Distance to nearest cities
- 67 kms of San Onofre
- 68 kms of Pasacaballos
- 73 kms of San Bernardo del Viento
- 75 kms of Turbaná
- 76 kms of Cartagena
- 76 kms of Santiago de Tolu