Chile-Argentina Border Region
07/10/2024 05:35:07 (UTC) mb 5 187 Km
- Chile-Argentina Border Region
- Latitude : 24.16 °S
- Longitude : 67.27 °W
- Depth : 187 Km
- Date : 07/10/2024 05:35:07 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 5 mb
- Phase count : 60
- RMS residual :2.65
Distance to nearest cities
- 96 kms of San Antonio de los Cobres
- 125 kms of Susques
- 168 kms of San Pedro de Atacama
- 186 kms of Tumbaya
- 193 kms of San Luis
- 194 kms of Rosario de Lerma