South of Africa

10/07/2024 04:55:44 (UTC) Mw(Mw 6.2 5 Km



  • South of Africa
  • Latitude : 53.36 °S
  • Longitude : 25.74 °E
  • Depth : 5 Km


  • Date : 10/07/2024 04:55:44 (UTC)
  • Magnitude : 6.2 Mw(Mw
  • Phase count : 154
  • RMS residual :1.42

Distance to nearest cities

  • 2108 kms of L'Agulhas
  • 2110 kms of Struisbaai
  • 2131 kms of Skipskop
  • 2132 kms of Jongensfontein
  • 2134 kms of Skihaven
  • 2139 kms of Bredasdorp

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Agency : IRD - Event Id : ird2024nmzoxy